We Serve A Rich God

by BRAAM Family
We Serve A Rich God

Preacher: Pastor Elie Hamuli

As believers, we still face the reality of having to support ourselves in this world. Yet, we respond to our needs from the assurance that we serve a rich God, able to provide abundantly for us (see Ephesians 3: 20-21). In our limited human perspective, bank balances and savings distinguish rich from poor, forgetting that God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, superior in His ways, takes care of us and our needs according to His riches. Therefore, we can confidently trust His track record as a generous and responsible Father.

God works in unconventional ways, providing for our needs. John 6, verses 1–15, illustrates this supernatural provision of God through Jesus Christ. In our carnal understanding, it is logically impossible to feed 5000 people with just 5 loaves and 2 fish. However, this scripture reminds us that with God, all things are possible (see Matthew 19: 26). When man believes and partners with God, everything becomes possible (read Mark 9: 23).

In John 6, Jesus Christ asks Phillip, “Where shall we buy bread?” —a question that Jesus uses to challenge how Phillip thought the supply would come. Philip, in his answer, represents some of us who focus on the largeness of our problems, instead of the Provider, Jesus Christ (see John 6: 7). Yet Andrew, pointing to the 5 loaves and 2 small fish, speaks on behalf of others among us who emphasize that what God has placed in our hands is inadequate to respond to the need (read John 6: 8).

Faced with the dilemma of the impossible in Ezekiel 37:3, the prophet shows us the correct answer, knowing that Jesus Christ, who asks, is also the solution. In our problems, God poses us the same question, shifting our attention from the vastness of the need to Jesus Christ, our Provider. We are reminded to go beyond our familiar methods to provide for our needs. The One asking the question is powerful. He Himself measures up to whatever need or situation.

We have a Good Shepherd in Jesus Christ. As we learn in John 6: 11, the disciples came back to Jesus for a fresh supply to give to the multitude, and this happened until everyone present had their fill and there were even leftovers. Jesus wants us to come to Him for our needs because He is capable of providing us with a fresh supply, each time responding to our needs beyond what we expect from Him, showing that He is able to provide exceedingly above what we can imagine.

As a final remark, we rest on the knowledge that we serve a rich God. It is essential that God’s Word shifts our mindset from the need for a supply to the One who supplies. Daily, in prayer, we confidently bring to God the little we have in face of the enormity of the need, for we have Jesus. Our eyes be locked on the Lord, we have assurance that He will give us all we need according to His glorious riches.

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