Be Out And About: Positioned For Provision

by BRAAM Family
Be Out And About: Positioned For Provision

Minister Meschack Mulenda

The notion of “provision” is central to the Kingdom of God. When it comes to God’s provision, it is not about what we do but about where we stand. Our right standing in God guarantees His provision more than our skills or hard work can achieve. In other words, our position in God’s Will comes before our efforts when it comes to our provision in the Kingdom of God.

When we align ourselves with God’s perfect Will for us in a season, we position ourselves to receive His provision. With that said, there is no provision without alignment in our position. A lack of position will manifest as a rush to pursue many avenues in order to find provision in many pursuits, which is hardly what God wants for us. However, when we stay in a God-inspired position that meets the requirements of our needs, we benefit from a clear direction that adjusts our posture.

The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 illustrates well that staying in the sonship of God is all we need to be provided for. Likewise, we operate in our position of children of God knowing our needs are already catered for. As we fall short of God’s instructions by ourselves, Jesus Christ has clothed us in His righteousness so that we are positioned to receive provision in God (2 Corinthians 5: 21).

Our only task as sons and daughters is to seek first and foremost the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be provided for (Matthew 6:33).

It is counterproductive to seek provision while being out of position (see James 4:3). That is why a person out of position will always be out of God’s provision as it is withheld. To elicit our position as sons and daughters, we must abide in God’s Word and let it abide in us as well, so that our desires align with His Will (see Psalms 37: 4).

Following are the six keys that position us for provision in God. Our relationship with God is the first key. It flows from Jesus Christ’s Redemption, which allows us to have a relationship with God (see John 3:16 and Ephesians 1:5). We learn from John 6:8-11 and Matthew 6:9 that we receive provision when we sit and rest in God. The bread God provides inevitably follows when His Will and Kingdom are established in our lives. It is pointless to go out of position to toil for “bread” that will perish when the Father gives imperishable bread to those who are positioned.

Since God uses people to provide for His children, our relationship with people is also important. God works in such a way that He uses man in order to help us get to our destiny and to help us carry our burdens along the way. For this, He has graced our journeys with two types of relationships: destiny helpers and burden bearers, the people who stand by us in difficulties. The story of Christ demonstrates that even He had burden bearers in the likes of Mary Magdelein and John (Matthew 3:13; John 19:25).

Meekness is the second key. This is a combination of humility and teachability. A person who is meek is always in the position to receive from God (see Matthew 5:5). Hence, God resists the proud and exalts the humble (see James 4:6-10). Beyond curing us from worldliness, humility makes it possible for us to submit to God.

It also creates in us a teachable spirit that allows us to listen to God’s commands regarding how to live. Lest the earth and everything in it close up to us, cutting off provision (read Leviticus 18:26-28).

Brokenness, the third key, is an attitude of always needing God no matter where one stands. It is the attitude that enables us to never grow independent of God no matter how high we rise. Psalms 51:17 illustrates how brokenness is a posture to be positioned in.

Competence is the fourth key. In order of priority, we need to seek the Kingdom, but when dealing with the world, we need to be competent in what we may offer the world in order to cause change. Therefore, competence is to be pursued (see Ecclesiastes 10:10). The Holy Spirit is an advantage over our competence. Hence, the most effective way to serve is to serve the world with the gifts God has given us.

Tithing represents the fifth key. In Malachi 3:8, the number “ten” means “all”. Thus, when we give 10% of our tithe, we are actually giving God our all. Additionally, when we don’t tithe, we are not just robbing God but ourselves too (read Malachi 3:8-10 and 1 Corinthians 6:19). Money has power, but when the tenth is offered to God in our tithes, He gives us authority over the rest.

Lastly, we stay in a position for provision through gratitude. This does not necessarily refer to saying “thank you” but rather first acknowledging someone’s contribution to us through action, honor, and reverence. Deuteronomy 8:17-18 teaches us that a person who is grateful will always be provided for.

In conclusion, provision is rooted in the notion of one’s positioning within the Kingdom of God. The significant role of one’s stance in relation to God’s Will provides the foundation for the blessings and divine abundance we have in Christ. By considering the above-mentioned keys, we can seek not only fulfillment for ourselves in God but also a deeper understanding of our relationship with God. Remember, provision is not solely an outcome of one’s actions but a product of being in alignment with God’s Will. Therefore be positioned for provision.

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